Tips on how to overcome depression

 Depression is serious, it’s definitely not something I would wish on anybody. There was a time in my life that I thought I would never get out of feeling like this. I felt hopeless, unmotivated, overwhelmed, and anxious . For me depression was like a disease that I have to cure or else it was gonna kill me.. If you ever feel this depressed. I encourage you to seriously get help, because there's no easy way out, only God could deliver you and if you're going through it I pray that in the name of Jesus you overcome it. I'm gonna be sharing with you some ways I overcame depression. It wasn't easy but with the help of God everything is possible.

First of all get help. It could be from a family member, a therapist, or church. Trust me asking for help is a sign of strength not weakness and what helped me was getting closer to God and going to church. I prayed everyday for deliverance, because I really didn't want to feel depressed anymore. I started visiting church, listening to encouraging messages. Joel Osteen's messages helped me sooo much, I listened to his podcast and youtube videos and read some of his books. I declare from Joel Osteen is a really good Declaration book. Here's the link if you ever want to purchase it.

Change your mindset. Believe it or not your mind is very powerful, and what we think we become. If you keep telling yourself you're not going to get out of this, most likely you're not. Affirm to yourself everyday that you are healed, say "I am healed" " I am free" I am strong and courageous"
Exercise and change the way you eat. Exercising helps tremendously to overcome depression, even if it's 30 mins three times a week it helps. Working out helped me so much, and also changed the way I ate. I stopped eating junk food, and started a healthier eating habit. 

Pray/Meditate. Praying or meditating helps me sooo much.  I start praying 5 minutes a day and reading at least one bible verse daily. I include gratitude '' Father thank you because I am healed from this depression in the name of Jesus, thank you for my breakthrough and deliverance and I pray that if someone is going through the same face I'm going through you deliver them for your glory".  Shortly with time I started feeling so much better and healed.

Journal. I think this is what helps the most, when you write down how you feel. This is exactly the reason why I started blogging in the first place because I've been journaling everyday for the last 5 years. Journaling helps you speak what you have in mind, I have issues expressing myself to others and I found journaling very helpful.

Don't isolate yourself. This was the hardest for me because I love being alone, but going out even if it was to the gym or shopping or even traveling helps, but don't isolate yourself from people and ask for help if you need to.Talking to someone about this or asking for help if you're feeling depressed is a sign of streght not weakness.Find a purpose. Find a hobby or a goal  that would make you feel happy and fulfilled. For me I started gardening.When I took care of my plants I felt peace and joy and something to look forward to. I also started reading self help books. .The Power of Positive Thinking helped me a lot Here's the link also if you want to purchase this amazing books
