The power of gratitude

Depression is a personal experience that I have struggled with ever since I was a little girl. Yesterday was another depressive day for me. For weeks I've been feeling fatigued, I've been sleeping a lot and had no interest in doing any type of activities. No gym, no reading I even forgot to water my plants of how low my mood was and depressed I was feeling.

I started crying feeling hopeless in my room, and the sad part is that my son was at the door listening to me crying and I didn't even know. He walked in the room and hugged and told me ' mommy everything is going to be okay, I promise". My son is honestly my best friend, I don't know where I would be without him. 

It's so important when you're feeling depressed to reflect on the things that are important, and give thanks. Even when times are tough there is so much to be grateful for. When my son hugged me, I felt so loved and grateful for him. I asked myself why I was so depressed if I have so much to be grateful for. I have my jobs, I have my house, I'm alive and most importantly I have my son who is healthy and is my world.

Today instead of waking up crying, I actually decided to write in my journal five things I was grateful for. Here's what I wrote:

I'm happy and grateful for today, because I am blessed to be alive, take my son to school and have a great productive day.

I am immensely grateful for my son, because he is healthy, smart, handsome and loves me unconditionally.

Im blessed to wake up and call my grandmother and tell her how much I love her

I am happy and grateful to God, that today and always  take care of my necessary needs. I have food in my refrigerator , a roof over my head, and health.

Today, I consider myself blessed that I have friends and family that I can call when I feel weak. Many people don't have that kind of support and I'm grateful for that.

Immediately after writing this I was feeling so much better and thankful for everything. Gratitude is powerful, never underestimate the power of giving thanks!
